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Sommelier’s Sommelier ’sWINE SELECTION IN KILLARA WINE SELECTION IN KILLARAWINE SELECTION IN EAST KILLARAMore onthe blog!@ WWW.LIVING LOCALGUIDE. COM.AUMeet Chris Goodwiinttheowner Meet Chris Goodwin the ownerofwf LnMeraoefstLroM, aThehsetLrLoiq, uTohoreMLiaqsutoer. of L Maestro, The Liquor Master.AMA baostetlre. Ashloioqpuaonr dstloiqreuonrestolerde A bottle shop and liquor storenineEstalesdtdKinillKairlala.ra. nestled in Killara.aclownasyistrerenptlayacsienlglgs fvoerdydiwfffffferlrletnhten ryeoausonbsv,iotukeseleyepksetethpinitg. Ysofrureashrheand paelwopapyles irinetptelrarecsisntegdf.or differentIt’s a matter of It’s a matter ofbeing passionate being passionateand enjoying whatyou are doing. you are doing.reasons, it keeps things fresh andpeople interested.HOW DID YOU START? HOW DID YOU START?WINERY AT THE MOMENT? WINERY AT THE MOMENT?HOW DID YOU START?For me it comes down to what food For me it comes down to what foodI was in hospitality and studied I was in hospitality and studiedDO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITEI was in hospitality and studiedI I I a a am m m e e ea a at t ti i in n ng g g, , , t t th h he e e w w we e ea a at t th h he e er r r, , , a a an n nd d d w w wh h ha a at t tto be a sommelier at Tafe. After to be a sommelier at Tafe. AfterWINERY AT THE MOMENT?DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITEto be a sommelier at Tafe. After a couple of years selling wine a couple of years selling winefriends are coming.For me it comes down to whatWHY DO CUSTOMERS WHY DO CUSTOMERSa couple of years selling winethe recipient’s persona, age,I did my MBA and became the I did my MBA and became theKEEP COMING BACK? KEEP COMING BACK?I did my MBA and became theWfoHoAdATI aDmOeYaOtiUnUgL,OthVeEwAeBaOtOhUerT, WHAT DO YOU LOVE ABOUTKaInLdLAwRhAat?friends are coming. KILLARA?The people are open and nice The people are open and nicesWo tHthAeTy DemObYrOacUeLtOheVkEnAoBwOleUdTge so they embrace the knowledgeaKnIdLLsAerRvAic?e. It’s all about when and service. It’s all about whenbackground, food they like. Thishead buyer of shops. I then head buyer of shops. I thenThey realise they are getting They realise they are gettinghead buyer of shops. I then opened my own store. We have opened my own store. We havegives me an idea about flavoursvalue for money and value for money andsosopemnaendymwyoonwdenersfutuolrvei.nWeyeahrdadvsein so many wonderful vineyards inthat would suit.AsAoumstraanliyawsonI dercfiudlevdinteoycaredastien Australia so I decided to createaAa unsictcrhaeli,agsioviIndgecuidsetodmtoercsrebaetteter a niche, giving customers betterqaqunaiclihtyey,fgoirvtinhge mcmuostnoemy ethrsebyewttaenrt quality for the money they wanttqtousaspliteynfdo.r the money they want to spend.I understand how it is all tIousnpdenrdst.andhowitisallindividualised service. individualised service.SUMMER? thecustomerwalksoutvery SCUOMMINEGR?BACK?They realise they are gettingand service. It’s all about whenvalue for money andproduced and taste everything produced and taste everything I understand how it is allIS IT A SURPRISE FOR SOME IS IT A SURPRISE FOR SOMEtastings in store. We even have tastings in store. We even havethe customer walks out veryindividualised service.that comes through the door. that comes through the door. produced and taste everythingPEOPLE WHO WALK IN HERE? PEOPLE WHO WALK IN HERE?beer brewers coming. We plan to beer brewers coming. We plan tohappy that makes me happy.havewineeducationdays.If it doesn’t pass for the priceIf it doesn’t pass for the price that comes through the door. If itSometimes, but other people Sometimes, but other peopleWHAT CAN WE EXPECT THISpoint I won’t sell it. point I won’t sell it.walk in and say,“Ok maestro, pick walk in and say, “Ok maestro, pickI FIND IT INTRIGUING THAT I FIND IT INTRIGUING THATdoesn’t pass for the price point IIS IT A SURPRISE FOR SOMESUMMER?I match wine with food and I match wine with food andme a bottle for this price.” I ask me a bottle for this price.” I askYOU CAN TELL ME WHAT’S IN YOU CAN TELL ME WHAT’S INwon’t sell it.PEOPLE WHO WALK IN HERE?New products as always. You willbuild up customers’ pallets. We build up customers’ pallets. Wewhat they are having for dinner what they are having for dinnerTHAT BOTTLE IF I POINT TOI match wine with food and have wines from all around the have wines from all around theSometimes, but other people and who with. People might say, and who with. People might say,find some great specials and wineANY BOTTLE IN THE STORE. ANY BOTTLE IN THE up customers’ palates. We worldthatchangeallthetime. world that change all the time.walk in and say, “Ok maestro, pick “Ineedagiftforxamountoftastings in store. We even haveHOWDOYOUREMEMBER?have wines from all around theme a bottle for this price.” I ask money,”,”so I ask questions aboutbeer brewers coming. We willI have been in the industry for atThheecpuesotopmleearrewoaplkesnoauntdvenriycehappy that makes me they embrace the knowledgeNew products as always. You will New products as always. You willWHAT CAN WE EXPECT THIS WHAYTDCOANCUWSETOEXMPERCSTKTEHEIPSfifind some great specials and wine find some great specials and wineSometimes I will not have the Sometimes I will not have thewhat they are having for dinner the recipient’s persona, age,the recipient’s persona, age,be hosting functions, weddings,world that change all the time. product that you had before. product that you had before.long time and have an education long time and have an educationSometimes I will not have the But if there is a product that But if there is a product thatand who with. People might say, background, food they like. This background, food they like. Thiswine dinners, parties, ourin wine. Everyone has a gift. It’s a in wine. Everyone has a gift. It’s acpcorondsiuisctetnthtlaytsyeolulshvaedrybwefeollreth. en consistentlysellsverywellthenyByouut iof tbhveioreuislyakpereoepduitc.tYtohuatare you obviously keep it. You areg“iIvneesemdeaagnifitdfeoar xabaomuotuflnatvofurs givesmeanideaaboutflflavoursmLaMttaeersotrfobCeoingnopiassesiuornCaltuebaand matterofbeingpassionateandmoney,” so I ask questions about that would suit.plan to have wine education days.that would suit.enjoying what you are doing. enjoying what you are “Dream, Inspire, Grow” LIVING LOCAL SUMMER 2016/17 61

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