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for ten minutes. She does not At the end of the day, having have the time to be transferred a team that knows you – for5% DISCOUNT ON YOURthrough multiple operators example, by recognising your before reaching someone who voice and remembering yourENTIRE RESTAURANT BILLcan help with her query. She name – provides you with thatCoupon is valid to 31/08/2017does not have the time to spend extra level of security that everyRETIREMENT, FOOD AND LIFEStyleRosedale Cottage®ASTIVESARTGALLERY! BYMARK LEWIN, CFPobtainingfina1n7c5ialRsoesrveidceasle. RdSt Ives 2075We are with you each step of theP: 9988 3123way. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and we want you to know that this means you can always feel the support of the team working for you. It’s what we do.Even the most simple gestures,“Would you like to be able to combine your passions, generate some extra income and enjoy your retirement?”such as sticking "Sign Here" tabsA wise head on experienced shoulders is not given up easily. But retirement finally arrived and with a little help from Markson to arrange their tax- free income, Peter & Gillian set abouttravellingtheworld,withnorth shore restaurant. Afteron your documents to help guide many visits, the small talk withWITH YOU EACH STEPoverlooked at Markson Financial the invitation to hang Peter’sPlanning. Every day we do what paintings was made.Pwaetrcoanstocannotnonwlyebnejoaylethadeer in abmesbtiparnaceticoefwVihnecnenittc’somaweasrtdo wouinr nskinillginrefisntanucraianl tpwlaintnhinthge, but ealxstorainortdhienhairgyhalretvweol orkf gfreonmuiane local artist.Although Markson Financial Planning would like to takea difference. You see, Peter booked his international artwith your Financial Planningsome credit for this story, we can’t. We do help others planretreats first, then arrangedcare we give each through applications, are not owner Vincent progressed untilGillian and the overseas travelAnd here is the beautiful twist;BY MARK LEWIN, CFP® FINANCIAL PLANNERPeter earns a little more incometheir finances, but thisremarkable tale belongs to Peter& Gillian.YouNoseme,aitt’serjuhsotwnoatdaepbto,utthemoinedye.pIet’nsdaebnotuatnldivcinognfiydoeunrt weretiareremtheenrtedarreanmevsearnthdeelensjsotyhionsgearound his passion.Peter loves nothing better thanto travel to overseas locationsanqduecsatpiotnusrejutshtetoseidwenotnifdyehrefurslelf.exHpaevreieynocueesvienr ifneklt dlikraewthinatg?s. Onhis return, he then creates She had been through thepaintings from these images, wringer enough times to realisereliving the memories of the that she had to find a betterShe does not have thefrom his passion of painting andGillian enjoys some morethrough multipleinternational travel, albeit to afew art classes. Upon returningreaching someone whohome, Peter & Gillian makeRosedale Cottage restaurant. Asanother trip with fresh paintingssituations and niche areas whereyou read further you willfor Vincent, who inevitably saysIf you also feel like“why don’t you stay for dinner?”.Serena, overwhelmed orWith the support and direction ofaunsdkiellreadppfirneacniacteiadl;aifdyvoisuovrayluoeu too ceaxcnemlleanktecuyostuormretrisrermviecnetdreams a reality. Markson matched by accredited industrybkneoliwevledsgtheatngdoeoxdpefirnieanccei,atlhenplanning is about enjoying life give Markson Financial Planningwe sometimes have to rely oninstantly realise why we had totrip and creating paintings to alternative and that is why shethe skills and expertise of otherstell this story.share the joy with others. made the switch to Marksonto help make our lives just thatPeter enjoyed a career as aBut how does Rosedale Cottage Financial Planning. It waslittle bit easier. The trouble lies inSydneyarchitectanduponfitintothisstory?comforting for her to know thatknowing who to rely on and whoturning 65 he promised his wifeA shared passion of Peter & whenever she called a familiarto trust.Gillian that he just needed toGillian is fine dining with a glass voice would be there to answer.Serena used to dread calling finish off one or two morethe big institutions for help. As projects before he called it quits.Butatmheo“thfiermr o”fhtahdreoet, hsheer idoeeassn. ot have the time to be on holdof wine. And after visiting She knows that, within theboth before and after retirement, a call. We will guide you eachtime to be transferredoperators beforecan help with her query.Rosedale Cottage at St Ives, itMarkson family, our clients never soon became their favouriteby doing what you enjoy.step of the way and give you theget neglected.It’s just not about the money.peace of mind you deserve.If you would like a great diningOur first meeting is free of chargeexperience, visit Rosedale– why not come and take yourCottage. If you would like tofirst step? We’re here to help.another ten minutes answeringcustomer should seek whenenjoy a great living experience, vIti’sietaMsya,rjkusotngoFitnoamnaciraklsPolnafnpn. ing, aconmd.laeutu&swheewlpilglretpylyotuoryvoisuiron PmicetsusaregePiemrfmecetd. LIVING LOCAL MAGAZINE WINTER 2014LIVING LOCAL WINTER 17 “Dream, Inspire, Grow”